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Demo (Bible Commentaries)
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Español - Bible Commentaries - Matthew 4

Matthew 28
What was the Sabbath?
See: Sabbath
What day was the first day of the week?
The Sabbath began on Friday at sunset and ended Saturday at sunset. The day after the Sabbath was the first day of the week. This day began on Saturday at sunset and ended on Sunday at sunset.
See: Sabbath
Why did the angel roll away the stone?
The angel rolled away the stone because it was very large.
See: Angel; Heaven
Why did the angel look the way he did?
The angel looked the way he did because he was holy. White was a symbol of someone or something being holy.
See: Angel; Holy (Holiness, Set Apart); White (symbol)
How was Jesus crucified?
See: Crucify (Crucifixion)
How was Jesus resurrected?
[28:5, 28:6]
The man in the tomb said that Jesus was risen. That is, Jesus was resurrected.
See: Resurrect (Resurrection)
Where was Galilee?
See Map: Galilee
What was worship?
See: Worship
Who were the chief priests and elders?
The chief priests and elders were Jewish leaders.
See: Chief Priest; Elder
Why did the Jewish leaders give money to the Roman soldiers?
The Jewish leaders gave money to the Roman soldiers to lie about what happened. They did not want people to know about what happened at the tomb.
Who were the eleven disciples?
Normally, there were twelve disciples. At this time, Judas was not a disciple anymore.
See: Disciple
What did God give to Jesus?
Jesus said that God gave him permission to do something. He gave him power to do things in heaven and on earth.
See: Heaven
How were the disciples to make disciples?
Jesus wanted the disciples to make other disciples. That is, he wanted them to tell people about Jesus and help them to believe in Jesus and to do things that honored God. They did this by going to different places, baptizing people who believed in Jesus, and teaching them how to live in a way that honored God.
See: Disciple; Baptize (Baptism)
How was Jesus with the disciples until the end of the age?
Jesus said that he would be with the disciples until the end of the age. Some scholars think Jesus would remain with them for a time on the earth after he was resurrected. He will help them to do the things he wanted them to do. Other scholars think Jesus wanted to say that he would be with every generation of Christians to help them do the things he wanted them to do.
See: Disciple; Resurrect (Resurrection); Generation
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