This is what just took place in our area recently. The workshop included five languages from our region. Each of the five language teams brought six volunteers, ready to learn to be translators. Leaders trained the MAST method by Wycliffe Associates taught the process. They worked together for ten days on learning the process and translating Scripture. At the end of the workshop, all five languages completed the book of Mark and half of the book of John. They averaged almost 20 verses per translator per day during those 10 days! The translators were so excited with the work that some nights they had a hard time stopping to go to bed. The translators reported that they felt inadequate to do translation when they first arrived. But within a few days they were surprised at how much they had learned. By the end of the first week, they felt a confidence that they had never expected. And by the end of the workshop, they were ready, not only to work on the translation alone at home, but to share the process with others. These translators were overwhelmed by their accomplishments. One of them testified, “All glory to God for giving us a mind to know Him and understand his word. We came, just obeying Him, not thinking we could really do this. We are leaving, knowing that He has given us the wisdom and the desire to do this work. We are able to translate because of God’s Spirit working within us.”
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